After my career was over I never gave up the dream of being on top again. Even in the darkest moments I still believed in myself and I summoned up all my energy. When a person has stood in the limelight and experienced being the centre of attention, it is difficult to imagine that this lifestyle has been lost from one day to the next.
My life changed enormously as first of all I had to cope with the sadness and disappointment and learn to live with the situation. This can only be achieved through discipline and a strong determination.
People´s lives can easily fall apart through such twists of fate if they are not strong-willed or have no support. Anyone who has mastered such a test of character, emerges out of it with strengthened character.
I never stopped caring for and grooming my hair. Through the knowledge I gathered over the years, I succeeded in getting my hair back to its top-condition of previous years. Admittedly, it´s not as long today as it was in the past, but my hair is healthy and strong. I am very proud of this.
I haven´t given up on reaching my goal of a hair length of 1,94 m once again. Nevertheless, the resonance from my fellow human beings is very positive in spite of my hair not being as long as before.
After eight years my hair had a wonderful length of 137 cm (2009), which can be seen on the photos. Apart from that I again received a certificate for my hair (after receiving none for some years). This certificate was awarded to me in 2009 by RTL Radio. After such a long time, I was of course thrilled to receive it.